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BLOCKSIZE meets DeFi Talents

Secured off-chain data for smart contracts - BLOCKSIZE

by Marketing Team

The BLOCKSIZE DeFi team recently contributed to the DeFi Talents program of the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center with an educational talk about “Secured Off-Chain Data for Smart Contracts”. The presentation of Dr. Axel U. J. Lode touched on the oracle problem, discussed how to solve it, and gave some recent example applications of hybrid smart contracts that use off-chain data. The example applications in decentralized finance include the trustless auditing of reserves, tracking and tokenization of carbon emissions or offsets, parametric/disintermediate insurance, and many more.

The BLOCKSIZE DeFi team is providing market data featuring great integrity, quality control, and distribution to the DeFi ecosystem via Chainlink Labs decentralized oracle networks.

Before starting his journey in DeFi, Axel worked several years in academia with topics such as theoretical quantum physics, data science, applied mathematics. If you want to exchange more about market data and oracles please reach out to Dr. Axel U. J. Lode.

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